Is Insurance Mandatory for Super Visa Canada?

The Super Visa program is a popular option for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to visit their loved ones for an extended period. Introduced in 2011, the Super Visa allows eligible applicants to stay in Canada for up to two years without the need for visa renewals. One critical aspect that applicants need to consider when applying for the Super Visa is insurance coverage. In this article, we will explore whether insurance is mandatory for Super Visa Canada and why it is an essential requirement for prospective applicants.

Understanding the Super Visa

The Super Visa is distinct from the regular visitor visa, as it offers an extended period of stay, making it more appealing to parents and grandparents who want to spend more time with their families in Canada. To be eligible for the Super Visa, applicants must meet specific requirements, including the financial support of their Canadian host and obtaining private medical insurance.

What is super visa insurance?

Super Visa insurance, also known as Super Visa medical insurance or Visitors to Canada insurance, is a specific type of coverage designed for individuals applying for the Super Visa program in Canada. The Super Visa is a long-term visitor visa that allows eligible parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to stay in Canada for up to 5 years without the need for visa renewals. To qualify for the Super Visa, applicants must meet various requirements, and one of the mandatory criteria is obtaining private medical insurance.

Is Insurance Mandatory for Super Visa Canada?

Yes, obtaining private medical insurance is mandatory for all Super Visa applicants. The Canadian government requires visitors under the Super Visa program to have valid private medical insurance coverage for a minimum period of one year. The insurance policy must be issued by a Canadian insurance company and meet the following criteria:

  1. Coverage of Health Care: The insurance policy should cover health care, hospitalization, and repatriation expenses during the entire duration of the applicant’s stay in Canada. The coverage must have a minimum amount, typically $100,000 or more.
  2. Validity Period: The insurance policy should be valid for at least one year from the entry into Canada. It should also have no gaps or lapses during the applicant’s stay.
  3. Renewable: The policy should be renewable, ensuring that the applicant can extend their coverage if they decide to extend their stay in Canada beyond the initial year.

Importance of Insurance for Super Visa Holders

The requirement for private medical insurance is important for Super Visa applicants due to several reasons:

  1. Protecting Financial Stability: Canadian healthcare can be expensive for non-residents, and the cost of medical treatment without insurance coverage can quickly escalate. Having valid insurance provides financial protection and peace of mind to both the Super Visa holder and their host in Canada.
  2. Meeting Visa Requirements: Please obtain private medical insurance that meets the specified criteria to avoid the rejection of the Super Visa application. Thus, complying with this mandatory requirement is vital for a successful application.
  3. Access to Medical Services: The insurance ensures that Super Visa holders have access to necessary medical services without incurring exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses, allowing them to seek medical care when needed.
  4. Emergency Assistance: In a medical emergency, insurance coverage facilitates quick and efficient assistance, ensuring that the visitor receives the necessary medical attention promptly.


For those intending to apply for a Super Visa to visit their loved ones in Canada, obtaining private medical insurance is not an option but a mandatory requirement. The insurance coverage provides financial protection, ensures access to medical services, and allows for a smooth and hassle-free visit to Canada. Prospective Super Visa applicants should carefully review insurance options available from Canadian insurance providers and choose a plan that meets the specified criteria to ensure an enjoyable visit.

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